Hi there! I’m Lauryn Orme, a Vancouver Island-based project manager, speaker, and literature enthusiast.

I’m a project manager, service management and entrepreneurship specialist who is passionate empowering others to become their most organized and effective selves.

My experience in the tech sector, customer service, finance, and business operations informs my comprehensive and diligent approach to project management.

I am fuelled by my passion for continuous learning. I believe that every person I interact with has something to teach me, causing me to approach life, and work, with an open mind, curiosity, and thirst for knowledge. I am eager to build on my academic foundations of service management and entrepreneurship by increasing my technical knowledge and field experience.

In my free time, I find joy in exploring the outdoors, cooking, and curling up with a good book for hours. I enjoy spending time with my friends and family, and I am a firm believer in creating meaningful connections with like-minded people who push you to become your best self.




Growth is one of my most important values as it enables me to challenge myself, expand my skills, and reach my full potential. I actively seek opportunities to learn more about the world around me. I do not shy away from the opportunity to push myself in new directions.


I value creativity as it encourages innovative problem-solving. I embrace creativity by actively looking for new ways of doing my work, allowing me to generate new solutions and bring originality to my everyday. I believe that creativity is one of the most important forces to drive progress in any field.


Efficiency is a core value of mine, as it allows me to consistently increase my productivity and achieve optimal results. I am committed to leveraging tools and technologies, and encouraging those around me to become their most efficient selves, ensuring that tasks are completed effectively with a focus on high-quality outcomes.